The imperfect tense signifies an UNFINISHED or CONTINUOUS action in the past.
The imperfect of specto, spectare, spectavi, spectatum (to see) is:
spectaBAm spectaBAmus
spectaBAs spectaBAtis
spectaBAt spectaBAnt
Translation: was watching, used to watch, kept watching
IMPERFECT OF sum, esse, fui, futurus (irregular verb to be)
eram eramus. Translation: used to be, was, kept being
eras eratis
erat erant
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NOTICE THAT "sunt" has become erant; est has become erat; dicit has become dixit, spectat has become spectavit.
02 Perfect Tense -Finished Action in the Past
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus = principal parts
dixi diximus Translation: said, has said, did say
dixisti dixistis
dixit dixerunt
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus = principal parts
dixi diximus Translation: said, has said, did say
dixisti dixistis
dixit dixerunt
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